Monday, October 24, 2011

Citizen Bolam defends Sarasota term limits

Consider please the contrast between the Sarasota County Commission and Kathy Bolam of Venice on the issue of voter-approved 8-year term limits.

The commissioners are using public resources on public time in order to circumvent the clearly expressed will of the public for their own personal benefit.

Bolam is volunteering her own time, distributing flyers, holding meetings, writing letters and will receive nothing in return. Why? Because it is the right thing to do.

The commission doesn't stand a chance.

Just last weekend, Bolam distributed pro-term limits flyers at the North Port flea market and Venice Expo. She held a meeting at her home Saturday evening and had a letter to the editor appear in the Sunday Herald-Tribune.

If you see Kathy, please thank her for her efforts on behalf of the community. While you're at it, ask her how you can help.

1 comment:

  1. I note Dr. Rich has cross-posted this post to his blog:

    The citizens are stirring... Can we act in time?
